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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Nikola 5.3 released

I am hap­py to an­nounce the re­lease of ver­sion 5.3 of Niko­la a stat­ic blog/site gen­er­a­tor. It in­cludes some mi­nor fea­tures and a good amount of bug­fix­ing. Up­grad­ing to it should not cause you any trou­ble, as far as I know.

Here's the changel­og:


  • Boot­s­trap 2.3.0

  • Op­­tion­al­­ly use con­­tent dis­­tri­bu­­tion net­­works for jquery and twit­ter-­­boot­s­trap (USE_CDN op­­tion)

  • Im­prove pro­­gres­­sive ren­der­ing by mov­ing javascript to the bot­­tom of pages

  • New Brazil­ian por­­tuguese tran­s­la­­tion.

  • New plan­e­­toid ex­per­i­­men­­tal ex­­tra_­­plu­g­in


  • Make re­al­­ly sure we im­­port the right con­

  • Make SLUG_­­TAG_­­PATH a con­­fig dep for most pages

  • Re­­moved meta ti­­tle tag for bet­ter HTML val­i­­da­­tion

  • Re­­moved #999 back­­­ground from foot­note back­­link.

  • Made foot­note re­f­er­ences be su­per­scrip­t­ed.

  • Cen­tered fig­ure's im­age and cap­­tion.

  • Re­­moved out­­set bor­der from ad­­mo­ni­­tion­s.

  • Use de­­fault theme as last re­­source for mes­sages/­­tran­s­la­­tions

  • DATE_­­FOR­­MAT op­­tion was be­ing ig­nored

  • Re­­move trail­ing "" on win­­dows gallery links (Is­­sue #298)

  • In­­­con­­sis­­tent bread­­crumbs in gallery pages (Is­­sue #303)

  • Use source files as bun­­dle de­pen­­den­­cies in­­stead of out­­puts (Is­­sue #294)


Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina