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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Nikola 3.0.1 Available for Testing

Ver­sion 3.0.1 of Niko­la my stat­ic site gen­er­a­tor is ready for ini­tial us­er test­ing.

I have merged a bunch of patch­es from Kay Hayen and Kade­for:

  • dis­­qus_de­vel­op­er is gone

  • ad­dthis but­­tons are op­­tion­al (con­trolled by a new op­­tion)

  • You can have more than one stat­ic files fold­er to be merged in­­­to out­­put.

  • Im­age gal­­leries sup­­port up­­per­­case ex­ten­­sion­s.

  • Tem­­plates can not link to CSS that is em­p­­ty/mis­s­ing

  • Bet­ter Google Sitemaps

  • Pre­serve (some) meta­­da­­ta when copy­­ing files, like time­s­tamps

  • Don't over­write ex­ist­ing posts with doit new_­­post

  • Gen­er­ate valid URLs from uni­­code ti­­tles

So, if you want to try it out:


I will make it a re­al re­lease if noth­ing bad shows up be­fore sun­day or mon­day.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina