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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

New Nikola Tutorial

Tim van der Lin­den has writ­ten a im­pres­sive tu­to­ri­al about how he used Niko­la to cre­ate his new site

It doc­u­ments the whole process from scratch, start­ing by down­load­ing Niko­la up to build­ing your own theme.

Even if you are al­ready us­ing Niko­la you may find some new stuff there, so take a read (al­so, his theme is so pret­ty :-)

andmart / 2013-02-22 13:08:

Where is the link to tutorial?
PS.: In his new site... Duh!

Roberto Alsina / 2013-02-22 13:10:


Jose / 2013-02-22 18:35:

Apa! se hace un asado abajo del agua el ponja holandes!

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