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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

My Git tutorial for people who don't know Git

As part of a book project aimed at al­most-be­gin­ning pro­gram­mers I have writ­ten what may as well pass as the first part of a Git tu­to­ri­al. It's to­tal­ly stan­dalone, so it may be in­ter­est­ing out­side the con­text of the book.

It's aimed at peo­ple who, of course, don't know Git and could use it as a lo­cal ver­sion con­trol sys­tem. In the next chap­ter (be­ing writ­ten) I cov­er things like re­motes and push/pul­l.

So, if you want to read it: Git tu­to­ri­al for peo­ple who don't know git (part I)

PS: If the di­a­grams are all black and white, reload the page. Yes, it's a JS is­sue. Yes, I know how to fix it.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina