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Missing Signals (The Diaspora Trilogy, #2)

Cover for Missing Signals (The Diaspora Trilogy, #2)


Got this as part of the Sto­ry Bun­dle.

This is a se­quel to John Gone. While I found that first book dis­con­cert­ing­ly ni­hilis­tic, this one is dis­con­cert­ing­ly amus­ing. Strange things hap­pen for no rea­son, and it takes place in some sort of par­al­lel di­men­sion where teenagers can go to Vladi­vos­tok by train with­out pass­port­s.

Al­so, the rules that con­trol the tele­por­ta­tion de­vice seem to change ev­ery once in a while, and some things are just nev­er ex­plained. Fi­nal­ly, the au­thor seems to have no idea what­so­ev­er about how com­put­er net­works work (the thing with the sig­nals is ba­si­cal­ly Star Trek: Voy­ager lev­el tech­nob­a­b­ble, ex­cept it's about tech­nol­o­gy that's 50 years old al­ready).

In any case, liked it bet­ter than John Gone, I would give it maybe 2.5 stars.

While I am not re­al­ly a big fan of these book­s, I de­cid­ed to buy the 3rd, "Com­pa­ny Men" be­cause I want to see what hap­pens nex­t.

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