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Machine of Death: A Collection of Stories About People Who Know How They Will Die (Machine of Death, #1)

Cover for Machine of Death: A Collection of Stories About People Who Know How They Will Die (Machine of Death, #1)


I got this book as a free PDF af­ter read­ing about it at Won­der­mark. I had not read any short sto­ry col­lec­tions in a few years and had for­got­ten the best thing about them: if some piece is weak, it goes away quick­ly.

A lot of the sto­ries are good, some very good (Ran­dall Munroe's for in­stance) and some... some are not so good.

There is one that had me laugh­ing for min­utes and was just a sin­gle line. The last one is just *killer* short fic­tion.

I think the col­lec­tion would have im­proved if a big­ger "canon­i­cal" frame­work had been es­tab­lished by the ed­i­tors, since there are con­tra­dic­to­ry lines ev­ery­where, but hey, it's a high con­cept book, it's fun to read, and it's pret­ty cool.

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