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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Lunch-hour feature in Nikola: Blogger import

To­day at lunch, I added sup­port for im­port­ing blog­ger (maybe al­so blogspot? They seem to be the same nowa­days) blogs in­to Niko­la my stat­ic blog/site en­gine.

What works?

Well, the on­ly site I tried work­s, most­ly.

  • Posts

  • Pages

  • Tags

  • Drafts

  • Blog Meta­­da­­ta (ex­­cept lan­guage)

  • Redi­rects to keep URLs sta­ble (at least it tries re­al­­ly hard!)

  • URL rewrit­ing in the posts (it tries!)

What's not there?
  • Com­­ments im­­port (it makes more sense to im­­port them via Dis­­qus' im­­port tool)

  • At­­tach­­ments (im­ages and such)

  • Much test­ing

It's ba­si­cal­ly on par with the Word­press im­port, ex­cept noone has used it for re­al. So, feel free to try!

(It's niko­la im­port_blog­ger name_of_the_­dump.xm­l)

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