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Gateway to Fourline

Cover for Gateway to Fourline


I got this as a free book on some Ama­zon pro­mo­tion. It's an old­fash­ioned "gate­way to a fan­ta­sy world" sto­ry, like the Nar­nia books or the Ma­gi­cians tril­o­gy.

Did not like it much: it's slow-­paced, the char­ac­ters are shal­low, and the "mag­i­cal world" just looks like a bor­ing ver­sion of the mid­dle ages with an ar­bi­trary and large­ly un­de­scribed mag­ic sys­tem, and a ran­dom evil race of tree-d­welling blue spi­der-­mon­keys. And then it just end­s, ex­pect­ing the read­er to go pay for more. Sor­ry, no.

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