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Don't Trust The Objectivist in Appartment 23

First, a bit of ad­vice: If you have not seen Don't trust the bitch in apart­ment 23 go ahead and do it, it's very fun­ny.

The hero of the sto­ry is a bright young wom­an (played by an ac­tress that looks like Zooey De­schanel's smart, evil cous­in) who has dis­cov­ered a un­sat­is­fied need in the re­al es­tate mar­ket: room­mates who will take your de­posit, make your life hel­l, con­vince you to leave, yet com­mit no crimes vile enough to war­rant po­lice's at­ten­tion.

Hav­ing found that need, she, like any true hu­man, ful­fills it in hero­ic fash­ion, thus tak­ing what's right­ful­ly hers by virtue of her in­ge­nu­ity and willpow­er.

Her lat­est room­mate is at­tract­ed to her mag­net­ic per­son­al­i­ty and strong élan, and dis­plays some in­ter­est­ing wit of her own when she re­acts to our hero's scheme by steal­ing and sell­ing all her be­long­ings, which leads to fun­ny hi­jinks.

Since this is a utopic com­e­dy, state's in­ter­fer­ence in the af­fairs of our heros is in­ex­is­tan­t, al­low­ing them to ex­er­cise sov­er­eign rights over their own bod­ies, like when they give al­co­hol to a thir­teen yeaar old, or deal in drugs, which as we all know, are vic­tim­less crimes, played for laughs (and re­al­ly, the chi­nese pills bit is fun­ny).

I have on­ly seen the pi­lot, but I look for­ward to the pro­tag­o­nist­s' start­ing a steel com­pa­ny, or maybe a rail­road cor­po­ra­tion, or maybe join­ing John Galt.

I give this show 4 Rands out of five.

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