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Croupier release v0.2.0 is out

A new release of Croupier my Crystal library for tasks and dataflow programming is out!
  • Tasks are most­ly YAML se­ri­al­iz­able (procs can't be se­ri­al­ized)
  • Task class us­es prop­er­ties in­stead of in­stance vari­ables
  • TaskMan­ag­er is now a struct
  • Renamed argument output to outputs in Task.initialize where
    it makes sense.
  • Fixed bug merg­ing tasks with mul­ti­ple out­puts
  • Fixed bug merg­ing tasks with dif­fer­ent flags
  • Added missing always_run flag to overloaded Task.initialize

Full Changel­og: v0.1.8...v0.2.0

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina