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Constellation Games

Cover for Constellation Games


Re­mind­ed me of Year Ze­ro, which is a very good thing.

Very in­ter­est­ing point of view about a first con­tac­t, even if it's of course, in may ways, a trans­par­ent nerd self­-re­al­iza­tion fan­ta­sy.

Spe­cial­ly loved the at­tempts at de­scrib­ing games just on the edge of in­com­pre­hen­si­bil­i­ty. If they were made less un­der­stand­able, there's no plot. If they were more hu­man, then it's not fun.

Go­ing to read the ex­tra free con­tent avail­able at the book's site.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina