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CobraPy: a group of minimum viable things

A group of crows is called a mur­der of crows. A group of hares is called a coun­cil of hares.

In fac­t, that's just a bunch of things vic­to­ri­ans made up be­cause they had lots of free time and they had­n't in­vent­ed the In­ter­net yet, and most of those were nev­er ac­tu­al­ly wide­ly used.

BUT what's the name for a group of things that are in a min­i­mal­ly vi­able state?

Well, Co­braPy, my 80s-style python pro­gram­ming en­vi­ron­ment is slow­ly crawl­ing in­to be­com­ing one of those.

Of the com­po­nents I wan­t, I have one of each. They all suck but they suck in the same way a 3 year old play­ing pool suck­s. He will not be great but it's still cool.

  • I am go­ing to punt in hav­ing the ed­i­tor I want be­cause I can make do with Mi­cro for the time be­ing (works flaw­less­ly in my ter­mi­nal!)
  • The RE­PL is not great but it can do what it can do
  • The graph­ics serv­er works (although its API is lim­it­ed to draw­ing cir­cles)
  • The ter­mi­nal is bet­ter than ex­pect­ed, could re­al­ly be used as a dai­ly driv­er ex­cept for some pro­grams re­al­ly not lik­ing it.

And al­so, I have com­bined all the things so that you can start a win­dow that:

  • Is a ter­mi­nal
  • That runs the re­pl
  • Where you can use the graph­ics API
  • And it dis­plays in the same win­dow

What nex­t? I could think about what nex­t. Or ...

I could try to write a sim­ple game and im­ple­ment all the things that don't ex­ist.

Ex­cept for in­put. I need to solve how to do in­put. You see, the user-cre­at­ed pro­grams don't run in the same space as the win­dow. That's why we have a graph­ics pro­to­col. The pro­gram puts things in it, the win­dow reads them and graph­ics ap­pear.

But in­put needs to go the oth­er way around. So I need to add a sec­ond pro­to­col to send back events and it needs to be pret­ty fast. I don't think it's go­ing to be a prob­lem (us­er ac­tions hap­pen on­ly once ev­ery few dozens of mil­lisec­ond­s!) but af­ter that's done?

It's go­ing to be time for ...

Or ac­tu­al­ly, to fail at im­ple­ment­ing it, but im­prov­ing the plat­form in the process. Be­cause fail­ure is what im­prove­ments are made of.

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