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Am I a Dickhead? You be the judge.

For some rea­son to­day I got in­to a lit­tle spat with Zed Shaw which end­ed with me blocked af­ter a bar­rage of ver­bal abuse.

So, he says I am a dick­head. Is it so? Here's the ex­change in an im­age, and here it is on twit­ter:


It seems to me it's most­ly a case of some­one be­ing quick to dish abuse but slow to ac­cept dis­agree­men­t. But hey, maybe I am a dick­head for say­ing that. That con­ver­sa­tion had a few oth­er branch­es, but those were dis­agree­ments about the top­ic (in which, I have to say, Zed is com­plete­ly clue­less, and wrong, al­though IANAL) Find­ing them all may be too much ef­fort but here's one

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