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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Playing with literate programming

I am us­ing ra-­plu­g­ins as a toy to do things I nev­er both­ered in oth­er project­s.

I am do­ing unit-test­ing. And now... some lit­er­ate pro­gram­ming!

Ok, not much, and not very well, but at least I am play­ing with Lp4all which is a nice, sim­ple tool to gen­er­ate nice HTML from slight­ly wik­i-­marked sources.

You can see some lit­tle things in my code here. My vere­dict so far? A nice way to keep the code doc­u­ment­ed in a fash­ion that ocasi­nal browsers can fol­low.

The main thing miss­ing is au­to­mat­ic cross-ref­er­enc­ing.

In gen­er­al, I am find­ing that this (and unit test­ing) helps me ex­press ex­plic­it­ly to my­self what the heck I am try­ing to do, and see if the code ac­tu­al­ly does it. Which is a re­al­ly good thing.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina