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rst2rst gets tables!

My Re­struc­tured Text to Re­struc­tured Text con­vert­er can now han­dle ta­bles!

If you don't un­der­stand a word of what I just wrote... well, skip this. It's re­al­ly quite es­o­ter­ic.

I man­aged with­out lin­ear pro­gram­ming by the usu­al route: make it ug­ly but func­tion­al. Ba­si­cal­ly, I overdi­men­sion things bad­ly.

Here's the source table:

| f2,c1 | f2,c2 longer longer still |
|       +---------------------------+
| f3,c1 | 1. a                      |
| f3,c1 |                           |
| f3,c1 | 2. b                      |

Here's what rst2rst gen­er­ates:

|       |                           |
| f2,c1 | f2,c2 longer longer still |
|       |                           |
| f3,c1 |                           |
| f3,c1 |                           |
| f3,c1 |                           |
|       |                           |
|       +---------------------------+
|       |                           |
|       | 1. a                      |
|       |                           |
|       | 2. b                      |
|       |                           |

Se­ri­ous­ly non-op­ti­mal, but it is func­tion­al, un­til a braver soul im­proves the al­go­rith­m.

It can't han­dle ta­ble head­ers cor­rect­ly, but oth­er than that, it works just fine.

Up­date: It now sup­ports all the RST ta­ble syn­tax, AFAIK.

phone number lookup / 2011-12-03 22:40:

this is really interesting viewpoint on the subject i might add

employment background check / 2011-12-27 23:32:

Well, the write-up is truly the freshest on this laudable topic. 

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