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Updating my palm

I have been us­ing my Palm m100 for ap­point­ments and read­ing etexts for two months al­ready and it has been re­al­ly re­al­ly nice.

How­ev­er, af­ter read­ing a slash­dot dis­cus­sion, I am up­grad­ing, to a al­most-new Sony Clie SJ-30


  • Col­or vs Black­­&White (not grayscale)

  • High­­er res­o­lu­­tion (320x320 vs 160x160)

  • Smal­l­­er

  • Recharge­able bat­tery vs AAA bat­ter­ies. This means that as long as I re­mem­ber to plug it ev­ery once in a while, I won't lose da­­ta.

  • I can sell the m100 and pay part of the Clie that way, so it's not all that ex­pen­­sive (about US$100 in the end)

  • More mem­o­ry (8MB vs 2M­B)

  • Mem­o­ry stick slot

  • Al­­most ev­ery­one likes the Clies as far as I can see. Al­­most ev­ery­one hates the m100. Why? ;-)

The on­ly pos­si­ble con is that with a nice set of Du­ra­cell­s, the m100 could go on for two weeks of read­ing about 4 hours a day, and the bet­ter screen in the Clie will eat bat­tery much faster (I've read about 2-­day bat­tery lifes from some user­s).

Georg Bauer / 2006-04-03 06:55:

I upgraded my Palm Vx to a Clie TH55. That beast rocks! Especially since the Pocket48 emulator for HP 48SX, GX and 49G calculators runs like a charm on it :-)

Oh, and Ultima I - III are available, too. This must be some dream machine built especially for me ...

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 06:56:

Well, you are a first-world guy. Let me enjoy my cheap third world pleasures ;-)

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