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Back in the mines

So, I'm back af­ter a 9-­day trip to the beach... re­laxed, strong, hap­py... and TV-­less since it seems to have burned some­thing in­side when I turned it on yes­ter­day.

Oh, well, who needs it any­way.

And next week I'm see­ing Kill Bill Vol. 2!

I am a Taranti­no fan, and it has so far scored 100% at the tomatome­ter (www.rot­ten­toma­toes.­com), so it seems to be good!

On a pro­fes­sion­al lev­el, I just nabbed enough sup­port con­tracts to do what I want to do this year.

A rea­son­able fixed in­come is some­thing I haven't had in a cou­ple of years, it has been up­-and-­down, great months and bad month­s, with a rather nice av­er­age, but...

I need­ed a fixed in­come this year be­cause I in­tend to save a cou­ple thou­sand dol­lars for sep­tem­ber.

Why? Be­cause I am go­ing to meet a fel­low KDE de­vel­op­er, the one that's clos­est go­ing east from Buenos Aires...

taj / 2006-04-03 06:47:

Two important questions:

1. What is the prize for guessing correctly?

2. Are you going to Namibia?

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 06:47:

1. Nothing. I need to save money.

2. Yeah. Yipee! :-)

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 06:49:

Going on friday. Will post something about it :-)

Matt / 2006-04-03 06:49:

Well, how'd you like Kill Bill v2?

Dario Rapisardi / 2006-04-03 06:51:

Che, seguís vivo??

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 06:52:

Mas o menos ;-)

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 07:09:

Testing comments...

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