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Accuracy in reporting

If it was­n´t so pa­thet­ic, it may be fun­nier.

A while ago, a glacier col­lapsed. This is a pe­ri­od­i­cal even­t, and a huge tourist at­trac­tion. Huge slabs of ice crash­ing down, and you can watch it from a safe dis­tance.


Now, here comes the re­port­ing.

The BBC:

A mas­sive pond builds up be­hind the wall of snow be­fore get­ting too heavy for the ice to hold and smash­ing down in­to the sea be­low.

Hm­m­m... well, that´s a lake. But what the heck, the ocean is on­ly a few hun­dred kilo­me­ters away. Over the An­des, cross­ing Chile.

WISTV (what­ev­er that is):

No one hurt when por­tion of Ar­gen­tinean glacier col­laps­es

Noone has ev­er been hurt by this. Ev­ery­one knew it was col­laps­ing, to be hurt you would have to get on a boat and cross a very very cold lake, too. And be the stu­pid­est man on earth, since there were huge chunks of ice fall­ing ev­ery few min­utes since two days ago.

Hel­l, there´s park rangers and it´s for­bid­den to ap­proach the glacier from the wa­ter!

Oh, and it´s not an ice shelf.

But any­way, if you want to see at least the video, it´s re­al­ly cool :-) It´s in this page, but I can´t link it: VIDEO

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