Electronic reading materials
I recently recovered a Palm m100, because my calendar was getting out of hand.
So, besides using it as a glorified alarm clock, what could I do with it?
Oh, sure, some lame games exist (remember this is an old model, black and white, almost no sound, low resolution, very little memory), but...
Well, I have had for a long time the habit of reading project Gutemberg's books. I even wrote a program to read them on my PC (Uqbar, link at the left).
But the main problem is, of course, that the places where I do most of my reading (bars, clients' offices while waiting for stuff to install, trains, waiting rooms) usually lack computers I can use.
So, I decided to try using the Palm for that.
Of course, I am not being original, since a bazillion people had the same idea.
Therefore, I went and got myself some of the software people recommended for reading Palmdoc documents, and some stuff to create them.
I tried: Iambic Reader, CSpotRun, and a couple of others, and had a nasty surprise, because all of them, when I jumped to a distant place in the book, did one of the following:
Corrupt the text
So, I gave up hope on Palmdoc (although it's nice that KWord can export to it!), and looked harder.
Then I found Weasel Reader. Not only does it work great (it only lacks an option to add a margin, sometimes lighting makes the edge of the screen hard to read), but the format it uses compresses texts more than palmdoc!
So, how's this going:
The screen is small, but that's not too bad, it is about the same as reading a newspaper column.
Smooth scrolling doesn't work. Maybe my palm is too old/slow/bad, but it doesn work well.
Page-rolling autoscroll does work. The top of the screen is automatically replaced with the next page line-at-a-time.
Manual page-scrolling works best. Since you only have to tap the screen or press a button it's not annoying at all.
It doesn't hurt my eyes. Since it's not even backlit, it requires good ambient light, but it's not bad at all.
It has decent capacity. I can stick up to 3MB of text, along with all the programs I use, in a 2MB device. 3MB of text is a lot of text.
So, I am pretty happy with the result.
Other stuff to try:
palm frotz - I know you'll love it.
avantgo and/or plucker
pocket chess
I got pocket chess. My chess is way too rusty, it seems, since it kicks my ass with great ease.
And to think once upon a time I was a semi-serious player!
Will check the rest!
The Palm m100 has a backlight and is very bright. Just hold the power button for a few seconds and it will come on.
It also spends the battery in about 20 minutes :-)
In fact, I prefer a passively-lighted display as long as the environment is well lighted.
Unless I am in almost complete darkness, the backlight makes my eyes water (it's some evil blue-green color)