First day away
Looks like the stuff described in Safe Remote Blogging with PyDS does work, since I am 500KM away from the host, and it sems to be encrypted and password protected :-)
The trip was not good. I was supposed to leave at 0:15 today, and the bus broke down, so I only left, in a worse bus (cramped) at 2:45. So, bad.
Anyway, seen mom&dad, slept a little, I am reading the second Aubrey book (finished the first one yesterday), and I really like the stuff, should write about it.
Of course after I found a place with a decent Internet connection, it has started pouring, and I will get soaked when I go back :-)
Hell, rain is good when it´s
- Not too cold
- Not important that you stay dry
Check and check, so welcome rain.