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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website


Hel­lo, my name is Rober­to Alsi­na. You may know me from my ap­pear­ances in "KDE De­vel­op­ers in the Stone Age" and "PyQt pro­gram­mers gone wild".

On the oth­er hand, I am not:

  • Rober­­to Al­si­­na, who lives in Hous­­ton and is ac­­tive in the Ar­­gen­­tine ex­­pa­tri­ate com­­mu­ni­­ty.

  • Ama­­do Rober­­to Al­si­­na, paraguayan poli­ti­­cian.

  • Rober­­to Ariel Al­si­­na (a­­ka Rober­s­tor­m) who drives a mo­­tor­­cy­­cle.

  • Rober­­to Al­si­­na, puer­­tor­i­­can ar­chi­tec­t.

  • Rober­­to Al­si­­na, who lives in Vil­la Ale­m­ana and at­­tend­ed Cole­­gio Buck­­ing­ham.

  • Rober­­to Al­si­­na Ruibal, who I hope is wear­ing a wig.

  • Rober­­to Gon­za­­les Al­si­­na, who lives in Canelones. I on­­ly eat canelones.

  • The FEARED Rober­­to Na­­va Al­si­­na who, while on­­ly 15 years old, is scor­ing goals in some am­a­­teur league some­where.

  • Rober­­to Le­bron Al­si­­na (I have slight­­ly more hair)

  • Rober­­to An­­to­nio Gómez Al­si­­na, ac­­tivist against bul­l­­fight­­ing

Hope­ful­ly, this will clear things up. Thanks for read­ing.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina