Hello, my name is Roberto Alsina. You may know me from my appearances in "KDE Developers in the Stone Age" and "PyQt programmers gone wild".
On the other hand, I am not:
Roberto Alsina, who lives in Houston and is active in the Argentine expatriate community.
Amado Roberto Alsina, paraguayan politician.
Roberto Ariel Alsina (aka Roberstorm) who drives a motorcycle.
Roberto Alsina, puertorican architect.
Roberto Alsina, who lives in Villa Alemana and attended Colegio Buckingham.
Roberto Alsina Ruibal, who I hope is wearing a wig.
Roberto Gonzales Alsina, who lives in Canelones. I only eat canelones.
The FEARED Roberto Nava Alsina who, while only 15 years old, is scoring goals in some amateur league somewhere.
Roberto Lebron Alsina (I have slightly more hair)
Roberto Antonio Gómez Alsina, activist against bullfighting
Hopefully, this will clear things up. Thanks for reading.