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Smoking 40 cigarettes a day decreases risk of lightning strikes, say statistics!

This ti­tle came to mind when I saw in the news ref­er­ences to an ar­ti­cle in The Lancet about how in 2030 7 out of 10 deaths would be due to car­dio­vas­cu­lar, di­a­betes, can­cer, and chron­ic ob­struc­tive res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­eases.

The les­son most news­pa­pers get out of this is "whoa, we are a bunch of lazy, salt and fat eat­ing mo­rons and we are all gonna die".

Sure, we are all gonna die, and yes, more peo­ple will die of those chron­ic ill­ness­es in 2030. But that's most­ly be­cause we are not go­ing to die of many oth­er things that used to kill us ear­li­er.

So, eat more veg­gies, stop smok­ing and don't wor­ry too much.

Oh, and about cig­a­rettes and light­ning? I must con­fess I don't have the num­bers to prove it, but I would be very sur­prised if that was not the case. Af­ter al­l, smok­ing 40 cig­a­rettes a day should re­duce your life ex­pec­ta­tion, and the less you live, the less like­ly are you to be hit by light­ning. It's even a di­rect causal con­nec­tion!

Nacho Larrateguy / 2010-11-18 01:20:

jajajajaja me encantó. Y sí, hay que comer más sano, no fumar y tratar de tomar poco...
No para no morirse antes o después, sino para que el tránsito sea agradable.

Que te mate la (diabetes/EPOC/cornonarias) no se si es malo.. padecerlas mientras con (ceguera,extremoscuidados,etc,etc/oxigeno portatil/aca de todo un poco) es lo peor. Y no sólo para nosotros, sino para los que nos rodean que a veces se tienen que hacer cargo.

Buen post, buena forma de recordarnos la conciencia ;-)

phone number lookup / 2011-12-03 22:28:

this is really interesting viewpoint on the subject i might add

kamagra / 2012-01-19 17:41:

load of crap!!

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