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Spain is much bigger than you think!

On the news to­day (the news­pa­per is Tiem­po Ar­genti­no, sor­ry about the un­read­able pho­to):


It says "In Spain it amounts to less than 340 thou­sand cus­tomers a mon­th, or 0.006% of the to­tal".

This is talk­ing about cell­phone user­s. Now, how many cell phone users are there in Spain?

Ac­cord­ing to this news­pa­per, 340000 are 0.006% of the to­tal, so... 5 666 666 667 (aprox­.), there­fore, Spain has rough­ly one cell phone for each man, wom­an and child in the world.

sewa mobil / 2010-08-20 00:37:

Very nice, thanks for the article.

Roberto Alsina / 2010-08-20 00:40:

Y acá está la nota original -- And here's a link to the article


Gracias a @kenami

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