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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Come see me in Bahía Blanca next weekend!

I will be speak­ing at the Jor­nadas del Sur in Bahía Blan­ca this week­end (Au­gust 14/15 and 16).

For a change, I will not be giv­ing my old tired talk­s, but a brand new one, called "The Am­a­teur", and prob­a­bly a light­ning talk or some­thing else.

The usu­al of­fer of free beer will not be pos­si­ble this year, so: If you men­tion this blog in the QA ses­sion, you get... free can­dy!

Af­ter that, I will be speak­ing at FM La Tribu on sat­ur­day Au­gust 21st in the Char­las Abier­tas 2010 where I will be speak­ing about a lot of things be­tween vir­tualenv and nose and tox and oth­er test­ing-re­lat­ed top­ic­s.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina