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Random photos from my phone

A few days ago I fi­nal­ly got my 89 cents blue­tooth don­gle (now $1.85, but still with free ship­ping from chi­na!) and got a bunch of pic­tures I had in my phone.

The qual­i­ty is crap be­cause my phone is crap, but trust me, there must be one thing here you have nev­er seen be­fore.

Here they are: weird stuff that made me take out my phone and grab a pic­ture, with ex­pla­na­tion­s.


This, from Mar del Plata, is the most badass pop­up book I ev­er saw.



And open:


I'm Mark Shuttleworth!

Imagen024 Imagen025

In a free soft­ware event in Buenos Aires, Canon­i­cal's boss and for­mer space car­go was sup­posed to de­liv­er the key­note. He can­celed at the last minute. So Mad­dog Hall of­fered to re­place him... in char­ac­ter.

Some­one found a re­al­ly, re­al­ly awe­some (and/or crap­py!) as­tro­naut cos­tume, and Mad­dog gave a key­note shout­ing "I'm Mark Shut­tle­worth! I'm an as­tro­naut!" and claim­ing to have come from the fu­ture to ex­am­ine some slides re­cent­ly found, writ­ten by some un­known dude named Mad­dog. Re­al­ly fun­ny stuff.

Python vs. Ruby

Same even­t, take a look:

Imagen023 Imagen022

Yes, I swear they are tak­en with less than 10 sec­onds of one an­oth­er.


Imagen018 Imagen026

I was buy­ing gro­ceries in San Isidro's Dis­co su­per­mar­ket. Yes, usu­al­ly buy­ing a large pack­age of but­ter is cheap­er per ki­lo than a small one. But here, a 200g pack­age cost­ed al­most the same as a 100g! That's just steal­ing mon­ey from those who don't use much but­ter. Me? I'm not at risk.

Visa discount!


This was a shop in Aveni­da Alem in Buenos Aires. It was un­usu­al to see a "VISA is sus­pend­ed, 20% dis­coun­t" sign. Much more un­usu­al was to see the small let­ter­s: "p­re­sent your visa card". I mean, was­n't it sus­pend­ed?

And then I saw the rest:


It says "p­re­sent your visa card and pay us­ing any­thing else".

That guy must re­al­ly have been pissed off at Visa!

I got a bunch more for some oth­er time.

Nacho / 2010-06-03 21:20:

Aguante DealExtreme!
Te animaste a comprar algo más grande? Yo puras chucherías nomás...

Roberto Alsina / 2010-06-03 21:33:

Tengo esto en camino veremos que pasa:

Nacho / 2010-07-07 09:43:

¿Y, qué tal? ¿Te llegó el conversor VGA?
Acá todo de 10! Me compré un pulpo USB para celulares, lector de tarjetas SD, etc.
El único tema es el paso obligado hasta Aduana.

Roberto Alsina / 2010-07-07 09:49:

Llegó todo bien, anda 10 puntos.

Con la aduana el tema parece ser el peso, si es más de medio kilo lo paran.

Nacho / 2010-06-04 00:21:

jejeje estaba por comprar ese conversor!
Mirá esto:

Hasta ahora lo más interesante que compré (todo me funciona): (geniales y recontra útiles jajaja)

Nacho / 2010-06-04 00:22:

Ah por cierto, excelentes las fotos!
Me encantó la de PyAr - Ruby :-P

phone number lookup / 2011-12-03 22:21:

this is really interesting viewpoint on the subject i might add

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