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Grok 1.0 Web Development

The peo­ple at Packt Pub­lish­ing has been kind enough to send me a copy of Grok 1.0 Web De­vel­op­ment by Car­los de la Guardia.

I have now read it (sor­ry it took so long!) and here's my re­view.

It's a well-writ­ten book. The ex­po­si­tion is clear and the au­thor knows the sub­ject and what he wants to say.

I was im­pressed by the straight­for­ward ap­proach of Grok when com­pared to what I dim­ly re­mem­ber of an­cient Zope ex­pe­ri­ences. The idea of a mod­ern, ag­ile, sim­ple frame­work over Zope's ad­mit­ted­ly pow­er­ful foun­da­tion has a lot of mer­it.

OTO­H, I am not re­al­ly con­vinced that I should drop Djan­go for the small web projects I have sched­uled, but if you are look­ing for a frame­work, and are not heav­i­ly in­vest­ed in an­oth­er, Grok is cer­tain­ly worth check­ing out.

And, if you want to learn Grok, this book does the trick.

You can read a sam­ple chap­ter or get more in­for­ma­tion about the book

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