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Preview chapter of "Grok 1.0 Web Development"

The nice fel­lows at Packt Pub­lish­ing have sent me a copy of Grok 1.0 Web De­vel­op­ment by Car­los de la Guardia to re­view.

I am read­ing it and ex­pect to write about it in a few days (BTW: nice so far! My pro­posed slo­gan: it's like zope, with­out the Ja­va [1]), and here is a sam­ple chap­ter so you can see what it's about. It's easy to read stan­dalone, too:

Chap­ter 5: Forms

Hav­ing had to deal this week with the bro­ken­ness that's Djan­go old­forms (le­ga­cy site, don't even ask), the Grok way of deal­ing with forms is re­fresh­ing ;-)

[1] Yes, of course I know Zope had no Ja­va in it, it just felt like Ja­va ;-)

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