It shall be called Bookrest, and it has an outline view.
Yes, the program known so far as "my rst2pdf editor/previewer application" is now called Bookrest.
What's a bookrest? It's a thing you put a book on.
Why Bookrest? I hope someday people will have books open in bookrest. Plus, it ends with "rest", which is the preferred abbreviation for reStructured Text.
And what's the outline view? It's a clickable tree with the outline of the document, of course.
As usual, let's go to the video:
The background rendering was done using python's awesome multiprocessing module.
Ok, I am sold. Where can I get it?!!?!?
I have a PyCon talk proposal to write and I would love to do it using this tool!
(submissions are in ReStrucutredText).
It's in rst2pdf's SVN, in the gui folder.
It's tricky to build (check the README) and stylesheet loading is pretty broken right now.
thank you!!!
Hm, would be even more awesome to do with HTML. Think that would be possible?
I often write my blog entries using ReStructured Text, and I wind up writing the contents, using (actually a Pygments-enabled replacement I have) and then copying the HTML into my blog hosting thing.
Roberto: very impressive!!
Ludvig: it's certainly possible. I have done a simple version of this with Crunchy - but it's not nearly as nice as Roberto's bookrest.
Ludvig, sure, there are a couple of those, one was announced perhap a month ago. Check the docutils mailing lists.
Oh, and changing this to work with HTML is quite simple, if you want to take a look ;-)
Hi Roberto - nicely done, as always. It is really nice to see the implementation of the outline as well (I've been missing that when writing documentation with Jedit - and it is really must-have with big documents).
One additional feature you should consider for the outline are the link targets, to make it easier to make reference to them. Example::
.. _my-title:
My title
Lorem ipsum and link to :ref:`my-title`
And the above should be seen in outline something like follows:
[+] My title (my-title)
@juha in the case of titles you can always link with the title itself (unless of course it's repeated):
`My title`_
But yes, I can add that!