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rst2pdf previewer: a new feature

I am in the mid­dle of that hon­ey­moon you get start­ing a new ap­p. Ev­ery new fea­ture seems tobe just 50 lines of code away, there is no lega­cy code (in fac­t, you are cre­at­ing that lega­cy code), and you learn new tricks all the time.

So, I did a new fea­ture to­day.

A day or two ago, my ed­i­tor start­ed show­ing a yel­low bar high­light­ing the cur­rent line.

But then I though... would­n't it be more use­ful to have a sim­i­lar bar fol­low­ing you in the PDF?

That way, when you are on a giv­en line, you can im­me­di­ate­ly see where you are in the out­put. Neat, right?

Here is a video show­ing it:

Sad­ly it's not per­fec­t, and prob­a­bly nev­er will be be­cause of do­cu­tils lim­i­ta­tion­s, but it's pret­ty nice!

jjconti / 2009-09-23 23:08:

Esta feature esta BUENA! El video tiene un sonido de fondo (ruido blanco más respiración humana :). Puedo sugerir que pongas alguna música de fondo?

Roberto Alsina / 2009-09-24 01:00:

Me olvide de desmarcar el audio :-)

Roberto Alsina / 2009-09-24 01:53:

Listo, musica instrumental pedorra cortesía de youtube ;-)

Pablo Caro / 2009-09-24 11:59:

Muy bueno, pero que muy bueno

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina