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AAFigure in rst2pdf

As of to­day, rst2pdf sup­ports Chris Liechti's awe­some aafig­ure.

What does it mean? It means you can put this in your doc­u­men­t:

+-------+       +-------+
|   A   |------>|   B   |
+-------+       +-------+

And get this (and as a PDF draw­ing, not as an im­age, so you can copy the text from it):


So it's an awe­some way to add sim­ple di­a­grams to your re­struc­tured text doc­u­ments that look good in plain tex­t, on the we­b, and on PDF.

Aafig­ure can cre­ate lots of in­ter­est­ing draw­ings, check their docs for ex­am­ples here

It cur­rent­ly re­quires aafig­ure from bzr (0.3 won't work).

Gabriel / 2009-07-01 03:28:

Ah, buenisimo! No solo el soporte dentro de rst2pdf, sino tambien por hacerme conocer aafigure!

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