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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Grrr... I want one of these. I just need a reason.

I just saw this post about the Shee­vaP­lug. I need one. First I need a rea­son to need it.

  • Back­­up server? Add a USB disk en­­clo­­sure, put ev­ery­thing in a met­al box, in­­stall bac­u­la and-or rdif­f-back­­up?

  • Same hard­ware, Home MPD server?

  • Idem, home SAN?

  • Por­­ta­ble de­­mo server? I could in­­stall some so­lu­­tions on SD cards and show them for clients with this and my net­­book.

Sug­ges­tions ac­cept­ed...

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