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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

This week's release plan: Uqbar

On my on­go­ing some­thing-re­leased-ev­ery-fri­day ram­page, this fri­day I will re­lease a work­ing ver­sion of Uqbar, a Guten­berg project e-­texts in­ter­face.

It may use use pan­doc and rst2pdf and makeztxt and oth­er things to make e-­books that are pret­ty to read, and work on my Sony Clie. We'll see.

This project has been "sleep­ing" since 2005, I think I can now, with my new fo­cus in lim­it­ed, quick de­vel­op­men­t, get a rea­son­able ver­sion ready in two week­s.

I may slip a lit­tle rst2pdf up­date, too.

Af­ter that, back to Urssus.

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