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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Giving rst2pdf some love

Be­cause of a thread in the PyAr list about gen­er­at­ing re­ports from Python, I sug­gest­ed us­ing ReST and my rst2pdf scrip­t.

This caused a few things:

  1. I de­­cid­ed it's a pret­­ty de­­cent piece of code, and it de­serves a re­lease. Mak­ing a re­lease means I need­ed to fix the most em­bar­ras­ing pieces of it. So...

  2. Im­­ple­­men­t­ed the class di­rec­­tive, so it can have cus­­tom para­­graph styles with very lit­­tle ef­­fort.

  3. Did prop­er com­­mand line pars­ing.

  4. Did prop­er se­­tup­­tools script

  5. Up­­load­­ed to PyPI

  6. Cre­at­ed a re­lease in Google Code.

So, if you want the sim­plest way to gen­er­ate PDF files from a pro­gram in the en­tire python­ic uni­verse... give it a look.

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