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Urssus: Sorry about 0.2.9

Tru­ly a pa­perbag re­lease. But there's still hope!

While 0.2.9 had a num­ber of bugs and aw­ful per­for­mance, I have to say that the cur­rent svn re­vi­sions are much, much, bet­ter.

  • Snap­py per­­for­­mance (ok, not quite snap­py, but snap­pi­er than 0.2.0)

  • Fi­­nal­­ly a co­her­ent nex/pre­vi­ous/what­ev­er mech­a­nis­m. The on­­ly bro­ken piece is that posts may van­ish from view when the feed is up­­­dat­ed (and I can fix that, too).

  • Fixed is­­sues 16,14 and 22

So, 0.2.10, com­ing tonight, should be a pret­ty good one.

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