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Urssus: July 22nd / looking good

To­day it was a bit more than two hours, but spread in 10 minute chunks, which is not ex­act­ly ef­fi­cien­t.


  • Rewrote the whole nex­t/next un­read­­/ar­ti­­cle/feed spaghet­ti in a de­­cent way. It's bro­ken re­­gard­ing fil­tered/­­sort­ed ar­ti­­cle list­s, but it's triv­ial to fix.

  • A few UI fea­­tures:

    • Show on­­­ly feeds with un­read ar­ti­­­cles google-read­­­er style

    • Show in dark red the un­read ar­ti­­­cles

    • Show ti­­­tle / date of ar­ti­­­cles in sep­a­rate col­umns

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed "Match case" for the search

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed dumb systray icon (need to make it use­­ful)

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed ar­ti­­cle counts in fold­ers (but not ar­ti­­cle lists which is, of course, hard­er)

And of course, a screen­shot:


A bad side is that the main win­dow takes about 3 sec­onds to ap­pear, but I am pret­ty sure that's fix­able re­order­ing the start­up code.


  • Feed CRUD

  • Post mark as (read­­/un­read­­/im­­por­­tan­t/what­ev­er)

  • Fil­ter by post sta­­tus

  • Search in all feeds

  • Vir­­tu­al feeds

  • Per­­sis­­tent set­t­ings

  • More ag­­gres­­sive feed fetch­ing (now it's a sin­­gle queue, should be a con­­fig­urable num­ber)

  • Lots of mi­nor fix­es

And it will be pret­ty much in fea­ture par­i­ty with Akre­ga­tor, and ready to start the pack­ag­ing work. Not bad for a week of work (BTW: if any­one has any ex­pe­ri­ence pack­ag­ing PyQt stuff for win­dows/­Mac I can use the help ;-).

Still fun (although tree travers­ing is start­ing to get quite an­noy­ing)

Daniel Tinivella / 2008-07-24 15:41:

Robert a question all of this was developed in PyQt4..???

Roberto Alsina / 2008-07-24 16:03:

Yup, PyQt4 (latest version which includes webkit), sqlite/sqlalchemy/elixir, mark pilgrim's feedparser, and many other pieces.

Right now, it's just 1014 lines of code I wrote.

Compared with, for example, over 26000 lines of C++ in akregator.

And it's not like Akregator has much stuff urssus doesn't now.

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