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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Urssus improves

To­day's 2 hours:

  • An about di­a­log (not wired to the UI yet)

  • Icons on the feed tree (not fav­i­­con­s, though)

  • Han­­dle a few more feed quirks

  • A sta­­tus mes­sage queue, so sub­­pro­cess­es can post their progress in the sta­­tus bar.

  • UI for im­­por­­tOPML

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed "Next Ar­ti­­cle" and "Next Feed". This Mod­­el/View Qt thing is kin­­da painful (but pow­er­­ful!)

  • Use of Mako tem­­plates to dis­­­play the ar­ti­­cles pret­­ty and neat

  • Menu & Short­­­cuts fol­low­ing Akreg­­ga­­tor

  • Added sev­er­al fields to the Post and Feed mod­­els to make them more use­­ful (which means the DB changed, but that's to be ex­pec­t­ed at this stage). These in­­­clude things like "un­read" and "au­thor" and "link" ;-)

Still fun!

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina