Living with eee: tips and tricks
I have used my eee PC for a few months already, and here are a few tips I gathered along the way.
Remove Xandros, get *Ubuntu on it
Yes, it boots a bit slower, but everything still works (I admit, with some manual tweaks), and you will use less disk space, and be generally happier.
If you use KDE, check the advanced window menu.
Did you know that any app can be fullscreen? Yes it can. However, I prefer the "No Border" option. Yes, your windows will have no borders,buuuuut:
You are probably not going to use windows side by side on a 800x480 screen, are you?
You can still move and resize windows: Alt+LMB and Alt+RMB are your friends.
Yes you can play games on the eee: get psx, the psx emulator. I had a bunch of CDs for my long-dead PS1. Need for Speed looks pretty good, and Tekken 3 is a lot of fun :-D
There's enough streaming music to avoid carrying your MP3 around. Last.FM and all the shoutcast radios on Amarok do the trick for me.
Get SD cards.
The black model seems to be pretty scratch resistant.
Yes, you can throw it on the sofa when you arrive at home. No, nothing will break (at least nothing broke on mine). SSDs are nice.
A 1yo boy with clean hands can slap at the keyboard for a minute or two and it may live.
"get *Ubuntu on it"
Yeah, I hope the manual tweaks become automated.
Take a look at Ubuntu Netbook Remix, sounds promising: