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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

If you are a qmail user: read this

  • My most use­­ful plug­in is prob­a­bly ipthrot­tle, which you can use to make overea­ger IPs con­nect less of­ten.

  • The ver­­sion cur­ren­t­­ly in SVN will au­­to­block those IPs for a con­­fig­urable amount of time if you are us­ing ipsvd which is like tcpserver, on­­ly much bet­ter.

  • I re­al­­ly need some­one to help me test the SVN ver­­sion, which should be way, way bet­ter than the re­leas­es on the page.

  • The SVN re­po is at google­­code

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina