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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

New blog feature: Spanish translation!

I have de­cid­ed to make this blog avail­able al­so in Span­ish start­ing yes­ter­day.

Since it's gen­er­at­ed by my own soft­ware called Bartle­Blog, that meant I had to im­ple­ment ev­ery­thing so each post can have mul­ti­ple trans­la­tion­s.

And it's start­ing to work. You may no­tice sev­er­al things:

  • Be­low the ban­n­er there is an "Avail­able in En­g­lish - Es­­­pañol" thing.

  • Each Post has links to the dif­fer­­ent tran­s­la­­tions for which it's avail­able.

The lo­ca­tion and styling of these el­e­ments will change, and they may be bro­ken in dif­fer­ent ways for a few days. Sor­ry about that.

There will al­so be a "Lat­er­al Opin­ion en Es­pañol" RSS feed soon.

Up­date: here it is

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina