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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Gonna get me one of these. Oh yes.

It's the sec­ond com­ing of the Toshi­ba Li­bret­to, on­ly this time it's:

  1. Cheap­­er

  2. Filled with Lin­ux good­­ness.

It's the Asus eee. And the de­fault UI is some sort of weirdized KDE. And it is go­ing to sell a whole lot.

Re­al­ly, lug­ging my cur­rent note­book is tir­ing, not hav­ing my own tools when I go to a cus­tomer's is an­noy­ing. This ba­by should fix that.

Sure, you Word/Ex­cel/Pow­er­point jock­eys are go­ing to be an­noyed with a 800x600 screen, but it's awe­some for ssh ses­sion­s.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina