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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

What I learned at PyWeek

  1. I don't have the time for this kind of dead­­­lines any­­more. Not even one al­l-nighter? I did noth­ing on Sat­ur­­day ex­­cept re­al work and fam­i­­ly re­u­nion?

  2. It's re­al­­ly easy to write games with Python. It's most­­ly just a mat­ter of hav­ing a good game con­­cep­t. The cod­ing is the easy part.

  3. Chip­­munk is cool. Qt's graph­ic scene stuff is cool. My Chip­­munkScene is coolest ;-) I should re­­think the API but the con­­cept is killer stuff. With a lit­­tle work this thing is like LEGO!

  4. I will try again in Py­Week6.

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