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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website


Well, it seems I am in trou­ble for Py­Week.

Why? Be­cause it's wednes­day and I have done noth­ing. Noth­ing! It's be­cause I have been work­ing a lot, re­al­ly, and I have a 4 month baby, too.

So, I am up­ping the ante.

I will do a Py­Day.

I am tak­ing to­mor­row off (yeah, right!) and I'm do­ing the game in one day. Maybe I will scrounge a few hours on sun­day, too.

It will prob­a­bly not be fit for the con­test be­cause:

  • I will use PyQt

  • I won't test it in any plat­­form oth­­er than my Lin­ux box

But here's the game con­cept (BTW: Twist­ed sucks as a theme. It sucks re­al­ly, re­al­ly, re­al­ly hard!):

Ac­cord­ing to the dic­tio­nary, Twist­ed al­so means per­vert­ed. So, this game, Twist­ed Lit­tle Boy is about a bad boy. A re­al­ly bad boy. But a clever one. He cre­ates ma­chines us­ing ran­dom equip­ment he finds to do evil, re­al­ly mean things.

I will prob­a­bly do a live-blog thing like those tu­to­ri­als I wrote years ago about PyQt.

There's a Google code project (ob­vi­ous­ly emp­ty): http://­code.­google.­com/p/twist­edlit­tle­boy/

See you all to­mor­row.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina