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Fixing old tutorials

I got a mail from a read­er telling me that he could­n't down­load the sources for Not­ty, the toy app I de­vel­oped in my Rapid Ap­pli­ca­tion de­vel­op­ment us­ing PyQt and Er­ic3 ... in re­al­time! tu­to­ri­al.

So, I checked and was shocked at just how much the serv­er moves had wrecked that ar­ti­cle, which is one of my favourites!

No im­ages, bro­ken link to the sources, no syn­tax high­light­s!

So, I re­jig­gered the thing quick­ly with some search and re­place (thanks re­struc­tured tex­t!) and now it should be up to stan­dard­s, ex­cept that... it's still about Qt3 and I am not even sure it works nowa­days.

Nor­mal­ly that would be sim­ple to fix: change the code as need­ed, make it work, and be hap­py.

But the fun thing about that ar­ti­cle was that it was writ­ten in 3 hours, and it talks about how it was writ­ten in 3 hours. So, I think I may have to do keep that and add a note with a link to a cor­rect­ed/up­dat­ed one, some­day.

Pablo Antonio / 2007-08-07 17:13:

I'm just curious. Do you still use that IDE to write Python code?

Roberto Alsina / 2007-08-07 17:35:

Eric4 nowadays, but it's pretty much the same thing.

Some Guy / 2007-08-08 01:24:

Is it really worth upgrading to Qt4? I've cooked up some GUIs in Qt3 that I'm pretty happy with.

Roberto Alsina / 2007-08-08 01:56:

Maybe. Not sure really.

The bad part is that the tree control and the rich text widget are probably the parts that changed the most between Qt3 and Qt4, so for a Qt4 user this tutorial is woefully inadequate.

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