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A bit sad about this

It seems that dur­ing the big SVN con­ver­sion some da­ta were lost in com­mit­s.

So, if you check KDE's svn for the re­al­ly old stuff, it has no au­thor in­for­ma­tion.

For ex­am­ple, check this out:


I know I wrote pret­ty much ev­ery­thing there, but you are prob­a­bly not go­ing to no­tice it, and I spent a good cou­ple of years work­ing re­al­ly hard on that thing.

Sure, it was crap, but it was hard-­worked crap, and there is at least one thing I am slight­ly not ashamed of: TypeLay­out, which is still nicer than most tool­kits have, even if it was sham­less­ly copied from Lin­ux­Con­f.

But what the heck, it's old stuff.

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