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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Today's first hour of hacking...

... has been all about UI.

I have al­ways had a prob­lem when writ­ing PyQt app­s: stock icon­s.

Which ones should I use? Where are they?

I usu­al­ly fished through the crys­talsvg icon set un­til I found one that seemed to be what I need­ed, and then copied it to my ap­p.

Sad­ly, that's an­noy­ing in sev­er­al ways:

  1. Since those are PNG icon­s, you need to find the right size.

  2. Not all icons are there for all sizes!

  3. Be­­cause of 2, I need to check three or four fold­ers to see all the icon­s.

So, I de­cid­ed to cut my loss­es, and see what else could be done. And here it is:


I am now us­ing all SVG icon­s, from the rein­hardt set that will look equal­ly out of place in all OS­s, but which I like (and I think look awe­some with this re­laxed Domi­no the­me). And be­cause they are all SVG, I don't care about sizes, and they are all in the same place, and all is good.

And when­ev­er Oxy­gen is re­leased, all I need to do is switch the files around and that's that. Which is nice, too.

Of course there is a catch... it does look out of place, and I ex­pect many to find it ug­ly. So what, since I am the on­ly us­er of this ap­p! ;-)

Matt Williams / 2007-05-10 19:40:

I've always been a huge fan of Reinhardt. In fact, much of Lenir's stuff rocks!

Danny Allen / 2007-05-10 23:50:

Maybe you are already set on your iconset choice, but you could also check out Monochrome and Primary (they are also fully SVG):

I prefer them, but i'm a bit biased ;D


Roberto Alsina / 2007-05-11 00:13:

Danny: Very nice! Primary in particular.

Kevin Francis / 2007-05-11 03:22:

Why not use Gtk's built in standard icon naming scheme so that the application loads whatever icon set the user is using on his desktop?

Looking at that toolbar it appears that those are quite common icons too...

Roberto Alsina / 2007-05-11 12:39:

Kevin: because this is not Gtk.

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