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Juan Francisco en casa

An­oth­er bilin­gual post / Otro post bil­ingüe


Last post about JF for a while at least

He had to spend a cou­ple of days un­der a lamp to de­crease his bilir­ru­bin but he's at home breast­feed­ing well, and do­ing just fine.

The moth­er is in some pain be­cause of the surgery, but get­ting bet­ter.

And I don't even mind chang­ing di­a­per­s. Even heavy ones. Which was some­thing I was not re­al­ly sure about ;-)

More pic­tures here.

Ul­ti­mo post so­bre JF por un tiem­po.

Tu­vo que pasar un par de días ba­jo una lám­para para ba­jar la bilir­ru­bi­na pero ya es­tá en casa ma­man­do bi­en, y es­tá bár­baro.

La madre es­tá un poco do­lori­da por la cirugía, pero mejo­ran­do.

Y no me mo­les­ta cam­biar pañales, ni siquiera los car­ga­dos. Que no es­ta­ba de­masi­a­do se­guro ;-)

Mas fo­tos aquí.

Marc / 2007-04-25 01:43:

Moltes felicitats!



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