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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Great conference

First, the mes­sage is im­por­tan­t. Then, the guy is a very good pub­lic speak­er, but ... awe­some graph­ic­s. I have nev­er seen any­one use such awe­some sta­tis­ti­cal dis­plays. If I was still in­to math­s, I would love that kind of giz­mos!

The main thing is that it's not about the giz­mo, but about new ways to look at data, which should re­al­ly be the main job of sta­tis­tics.

Up­date: And it turns out there is an on­line ver­sion of it: http://­tool­s.­google.­com/­gap­min­der/

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