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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Son of BartleBlog IX: Eating my own dog food

Even though it's not re­al­ly ready, I am switch­ing my blog to Bartle­Blog.

The idea is that I do blog. So I should be able to fo­cus on what's need­ful for my own kind of blog. For ex­am­ple, right now, the idea of not be­ing able to tag this post is driv­ing me nut­s.

Eliena Andrews / 2007-04-04 06:31:

Yes, i also think you should change your blog. It kinda looks odd.

Best Regards,
Eliena Andrews

Roberto Alsina / 2007-04-04 11:40:

Well, it's generated using alpha software so that's to be expected ;-)

If you'd be so kind as to be a bit more specific, I can make it look better.

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