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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Advogato post for 2000-01-28 15:19:27

Feedback for KRN 0.6.9 has been good so far.

There is a prob­lem with it not build­ing on Man­drake, ap­par­ent­ly for dome RT­TI prob­lem, but I will just put out a 0.6.10 when its fixed.

Fixed some bugs, in­clud­ing a nasty one in thread­ing, and start­ed do­ing some cool­er stuff, like mul­ti­ple views, which is re­al­ly neat. Or will be, when it works ;-)

Any­way, I think I can put a 0.6.10 with all func­tion­al­i­ty of a 0.7.0 out for test­ing in a week or so.

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