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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Advogato post for 2000-02-10 00:10:58

Moved all KRN development into SourceForge.

Al­so, I've been in­formed that there is a moun­tain called Krn in east­ern eu­rope, so that con­vinced me to do a (lame) page re­design, so that such a fact is more wide­ly known.

BTW: there is al­so a Krn lake, right next to the moun­tain :-)

So, now Krn has a new home page and bug re­port sys­tem­s, web based fo­rum­s, pub­lic CVS ac­cess, down­load pages, patch man­ager, ac­tu­al dai­ly back­up­s, and all sorts of neat things.

Thanks Source­Forge peo­ple, your set­up is way nice!

Ex­cept be­cause I have to rel­o­gin ev­ery three pages or so, for some rea­son, but that's mi­nor.

Of course all this in­fra­struc­ture work did­n't leave any time to ac­tu­al­ly COD­ING but hey, life ain't per­fec­t.

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